News and Events

  • English competition

    • 2021-02-08

    Zirve Lyceum, as the only representative of Oscar Education in the UK in Azerbaijan, invites students in grades 5-11 across the country to the TeenEagle English Language Olympiad!

    Participating in the Olympiad is a great opportunity for students at this age to read a book, motivate, watch and understand a film in English. At the same time, students will gain international experience and receive certificates confirming this.

    The exam is held in 2 categories: Grades 6, 7, and 8 are in one category ("Eaglet"), and grades 9-10-11 are in another ("Eagle"). 5th graders can register as 6th graders and join the competition in the Eaglet category.

    The exam will be held online on 12 June, the deadline for registration is 5 June.

    The Olympic questions will consist of 1 book and 1 film in both categories. The Olympics are paid. The fee is £ 20 for registration on the site's home page and $ 8 for downloading the book. The book will be sent free of charge to those who register from the link we share as Summit High School, and the exam fee will be £ 18.

    Registration link:

    Everyone who participates in the Olympics will receive a Participant Certificate, and the winners will receive platinum, gold, silver and bronze certificates.

    All students in grades 5-11 can take the exam. However, in order to attend a summer school in the UK, students must take the exam and score at least 40%. This is due to seminars, trainings, classes, competitions, etc. organized during the trip. is in English.

     The first 33 people in each category across the country qualify for the finals. The final stage will be in the form of a trip to England.
     Students with the highest results in both categories in the national exam will receive a discount on travel to the UK:

    I PLACE -100%
    II PLACE -75%,
    III PLACE - 50%
    The other 30 people are 10%

    The trip is designed for 7 nights and 8 days. Students who want to score at least 40% can attend a camp in the UK, the camp is paid. (£ 1,200) Note that this payment does not include a plane ticket.

    Students who succeed in the finals will receive discounts from Oxford and Cambridge universities!