Admissions to 10-11th grades are conducted by diognostic exam in Azerbaijan, English and Russian streams .
At this level of education, the maximum number of students in classes is 12-14 people.
At this stage, each student studies the subjects in his/her choice .Maximum number of hours of classes on the subjects in each choice is given .
At English Stream Cambridge ( K-12) Education is applied.
Teachers with high knowledge and experience in university enterance tests , make it possible for students to acquire high knowledge. Carrying out numerous tests on each subject at the upper secondary education level enables students to acquire high testing skills. As an indicator of this, our students studying at the full secondary education level do not need additional preparation outside of school. Trial exams are organized for students twice a month (block and certificate/graduation) within the high school.
Students are provided with lunch once a day. A transportation service is available to make it easier for students to get to and from the high school.